Monday, April 21, 2008

What a difference 6 months makes

Happy 1/2 year birthday Ben! At his check-up today, he weighed 19lbs & 3/4 of an ounce, and was 72cm long (about 28.5 inches) - so he's still nice and long and lean. He tolerated his vaccinations in both thighs, with barely a cry. He's such a strong little guy. And our doctor says that he's advanced for his age (of course the proud parents already knew this). He can sit up unsupported, roll and babble like it's going out of style, and it seems like he may be close to breaking his 2 front teeth (oh no! he's still nursing!).

It's amazing the changes that occur in 6 months. I knew that this time would pass quickly and the changes are phenomenal, so I'm trying my best to enjoy every moment and document everything!

I always thought newborns were the cutest because they're small and helpless, but now I know that babies get cuter as they get older. I can think of 10 great reasons why they're better...

A 6 month old baby...
10. ... can play and entertain themselves
9. ... produces slightly less spit-up
8. ... is much less fragile, so daddy can play more physical games
7. ...loves bath time, rather than thrashing and screaming throughout the process
6. ... can sit-up, therefore doesn't need to be held/propped up at all times
5. ... actually enjoys "tummy time" rather than screaming through it
4. ... interacts with his environment and people around him - no longer just a (cute) lump!
3. ...knows and prefers his mommy over anyone else
2. ...nurses every 4 hours instead of every 2-3, and only for 10-15 minutes (instead of 15-30)
1. ... produces a lot less poo (Ben used to poop multiple times daily, now it's once every 1-3 days)

Oh, and sleeps through the night (most of the time.. ahem..)

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