Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Super momma

Wow, things have been busy lately, but good busy! I have made some "mommy friends" and have been attending a PPD support group which has done wonders for my mental health. I am typically out and about 4 days a week, which is a huge change from only a month ago when I was out maybe 1 day a week. I'm still going to Curves, and feeling stronger every day. Ben has also been busy - we started sign language class this Monday, so I need to start practicing the 30 or so words we learned!

I'm also proud to say that we've made the switch to cloth diapers (*most* of the time...). I ordered a 4-pack of pocket diapers from an online baby store, and they are pretty amazing! I have to say I was a bit skeptical that they would be absorbent as disposable, but so far, so good! They are super comfortable and pretty cute, and yeah, no leaks! Now I need to decide which of the 4 styles I prefer and buy several more so I don't have to do laundry every single day :)

We've also been expanding our food repertoire - for the most part I am making my own food, which is super easy and so much cheaper. Ben's favourites are sweet potatoes and avocadoes (just like his Mom!). The next frontier is meats and alternatives.... which I'm sure will make his diapers even more.. ahem... fragrant... yippee!

We're heading to a wedding in London this weekend, which will involve a 2-night stay in a hotel, with Grandma & Grandpa Cassidy! It will be nice to have a little getaway and to have the extra help with the boy.

Oh how could I forget, Ben has been "talking"!! He said Mama about 10 days ago (and hasn't done it since, good thing I caught it on video!) and now does Dada (dadadadadada actually). It's the best to hear him chatting away to himself :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


After a few gung-ho days when I started this blog, I have really been slacking here. It's not due to a lack of blog ideas, but rather an abundance, and I don't know where to start. I want to properly document this early part of Ben's life, but when I start to think of all I'd like to cover, I get overwhelmed.

Anyways... things have been better on the mood front lately. The improving weather has played a big part, and I have also been active most days of the week: Curves 3 evenings a week, gardening or tossing a softball around with T when the weather's nice, walking into town and downtown on the weekend. Ben has been a treat lately - always in a good mood, sleeping like a champ (generally does 12-13 hours per night, plus 2-3 naps, still!), and happy to be schlepped around to our various activities. He will be 7 months old next week, which blows my mind. He still has just the 3 teeth, and absolutely no sign of the 4th (bottom left) to even things out. But he's a baby and has no problem pulling off the lopsided grin :)

I had a great first mother's day (well, 2nd, if you count being pregnant as being a mother). T cooked me a nice breakfast and presented me with a framed photo of Ben with a nice message and his handprint.. awwhh.. it was very sweet and unexpected. We spent the day preparing the earth in our vegetable garden, and had roast beef dinner with T's Grandma in Aurora. So it was pretty low-key, but we had some quality family time. The next morning I was in pain from shoveling, weeding, etc... my back and shoulders are not used to such manual labour! We will plant the vegetables this week and are very excited to eat the fruits of our labour and to make Ben's food with produce we've grown ourselves - how rewarding is that!

Friday, May 2, 2008

A week of firsts

Ben and I got home from our week-long trip to BC on Wednesday evening. His dad missed us oh so much, and was actually at the airport on time to pick us up (in the past he was always late retrieving me).... Ben experienced many firsts in BC: first time traveling alone with mom, first tastes of oatmeal and sweet potato, first boat ride, first time swimming, and first teeth!
That's right, the teeth we thought would soon be making an appearance did so on Thursday morning - first one on the bottom, then one on the top. There's one more trying to come through on the top. Poor little guy has been in a lot of pain - he's getting baby tylenol every few hours, as well as anbesol and frozen teething gummy things.
Ben also met his auntie Gemma and uncle Scott who were visiting from Washington. They were suitably impressed with Ben, and he thought they were ok :)
My parents were beyond thrilled with Ben - he was on his best behaviour and wowed all my parents' friends he got to visit. It was hard to say goodbye though, but I will see them again in mid-June - when Ben will probably be crawling! Ahh!!
It was so nice having people around all day to help with Ben and entertain him so I could have some "me time". Now it's back to my boring, quiet life.
Oh and as you can see from the picture, my dog looooooved having Ben around...