Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Life with a 6-month old is rewarding, generally enjoyable, occasionally unpleasant, but mostly it is monotonous. My day revolves around Ben's nap schedule (he takes 3, sometimes only 2) and I am always amazed how quickly the day passes without actually "doing anything." I love that I have the opportunity to stay home with my son, but as none of my friends have babies and everyone I know is at work all day, I tend to be alone most of the time. I know I need to get out of the house more, but I can't seem to motivate myself to do so. As I lie in bed at night, I plan for the next day, but as each day begins, my plans always go out the window, and we end up doing the same old things... bouncing in the exersaucer, singing our little songs, having "conversations", diaper changes, naps, nursing sessions... lather, rinse repeat...
I need a little jolt, a little something to motivate me to get out and live my life, and expose my little guy to something beyond these 4 walls.


jaime said...

while i cannot say that i understand my day revolving around diaper changes and the exersaucer...i do understand the depressing weight of monotony. one day slowly bleeding into the other. all that i could hope to tell you is that you are an incredibly vibrant person who has a great deal to teach and share your little one. a friend of mine found relief from the everyday life of mothering an infant in baby yoga and the mommy playdates that came to follow. is there anything such as that in your area? it might be something that ben would enjoy...but i think that it would be truly beneficial for you. you would be surrounded by other young mothers that most likely feel the same way as you. just a thought. take care mama!

Josie said...

thanks for the comment - you just brightened my evening :)

Trevor said...

Have you considered baking delicious pies for your fiancee?